Whether you are new to our area, or just new to our church, we are so glad you found us!

We are a church marked by simple biblical action that invites people to follow Jesus. 

To this end, we do five things: We Pray, We Worship Together, We Serve, We Live in Community, and We Give.  

Let us help you take your next steps!


On Sundays we gather to be in community with each other, to worship God wholeheartedly, and to be stirred up by His Word.

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SSC 101 is a class you can attend if you want to hear the story of South Shore Church. We share our history, philosophy of ministry, vision, and then offer a Q&A session. It is led by our pastors and always concludes with a non-pressure invitation to become a member, along with a clear explanation of what that means.

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We believe that serving together is one of the greatest ways to connect as a church family and build unity through actively loving our church. If you're someone who doesn't want to just sit on the sidelines, our serve teams are probably a great next step for you.

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This class is for those new to their faith and for mature believers that want to solidify the foundation of their faith. We believe theology isn't confined to scholars or church staff—it's relevant to everyone in their everyday lives. It encompasses our understanding of God's actions past, present, and future, forming the bedrock of our faith. Join our 8-session study to delve into essential doctrines, including Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times, and deepen your relationship with God through these fundamental truths.

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We're called to live in community, and Small Groups are one of the best ways we see individuals and families of SSC living that out. We offer groups at different times, in different locations, and for various demographics. Most of our Small Groups are 6-8 weeks long and are offered four times per year: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

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